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14 Ene 2025

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The first ever virtual football tournament launched amid football fever
M3TACUP 2022, organised by Non-Fungible Tournament 11 (NFT11) and Wirtual

The first ever virtual football tournament launched amid football fever 

 The most anticipated football tournament is underway and fans from around the world are coming together to celebrate the most beautiful game. Amidst these fans are companies like NFT11 and WIRTUAL, looking to amplify the football fever with a novel and innovative project.

M3TACUP is an inaugural event organised by NFT11 and WIRTUAL, bringing to its audiences a football tournament where they can compete virtually and physically without borders, and claim some fantastic rewards. Not only will participants be able to acquire digital assets from M3TACUP’s Battle Pass System known as M3TAPASS, but the top 11 teams in M3TACUP’s ranking will also walk away with a total of US$11,000 worth of prizes.

«The NFT11 Metaverse is expansive, we are looking to incorporate a variety of Web 3.0 elements into our metaverse, bridging both the virtual and physical world in the spirit of gaming. Pioneering M3TACUP is one example of initiatives we have, to connect all who can appreciate gaming as well as football.» – Andrew Ling, CEO of NFT11

«Collaboration between NFT11 and WIRTUAL will create a new use case for the Web 3.0 world where exercising in the real world will connect us with games in the virtual world leading to mainstream adoption. This innovative project will allow users to use the application daily boosting their health, enjoyment and income.» – James Supacheep Phornwatanakul, CEO of WIRTUAL

NFT11 and WIRTUAL have teamed up with notable partners in the space to create M3TACUP. Offering all a chance to own digital assets from NFT11’s football manager game, as well as other assets and perks from partners such as DelysiumMetaStar StrikersEDNS Domains and Age of Tanks. With partners from different aspects of Web 3.0 coming in, M3TACUP is giving its users a glimpse into more than just football and sports in Web 3.0.

More details on M3TACUP can be found here:



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